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Brianna J. :

John W.:

What do you mean when you say black lives matter, it seems very supremistic of the black race, all lives matter fact is fact, not only black lives #get over yourself

Brianna J. :

What I mean by black lives matter is that people like you that reap the benefits of white supremacy over the black culture fail to see that. No you aren't responsible but you are ignorant, because ignorance is blissful right? When people stop targeting minorities and America sees that we matter just as much as you then i will stop saying black lives matter.

John W.:

Wait black lives matter is about equality? I assumed it meant you guys wanted revenge for slavery and wanted to be supreme along with reparations, of cash.

Brianna J. :

It’s never not been about equality, that's been the goal, that is why my grandmother marched with Martin Luther King for civil rights and today i'm fighting for equal rights, for all races and all genders. We don’t want revenge, but we do want reparations. We don't reparations in cash we want reparations in acknowledgement.

John W: What do you mean by acknowledgment? I know slavery happened.

Brianna J. : Sure you know slavery happened but we want acknowledgement that you benefit from it in the past as well as today.

John W: Okay i acknowledged that and isn’t something i'm proud of because I think we should be equal. And there's no slavery today what are you talking about!?

Brianna J. : No Slavery?Then please explain the school to prison pipeline, in which blacks and minorities are targeted to end up in jail. Conveniently they are arrested for the same crimes as whites at an alarming rate and even more conveniently slavery and involuntary labor is allowed as punishment of the law to criminals, under the 13th amendment. This involuntary servitude contributes to big business making a profit off of prison labor. Sounds very similar to mass enslavement of africans to pick cotton, but today its mass incarceration to use prison labor provided by minorities to make a profit.

John W:

Wow! I never tied the prison-Industrial-complex to the mass incarceration of blacks and minorities. this is such an important I didn't know that the 13th amendment allowed basically Savory to happen all over again. now I understand why you say black lives matter because prison labor is used to make a profit off of black people just like slavery did. I understand how blacks are seen as equal and this is why we need to make sure everyone knows black lives matter because until everybody starts treating black lives equal all lives aren’t treated like they matter. Thank you so much for opening my eyes, I will now, support both black lives matter and all lives matter; because for all lives to matter black lives need a matter too

Brianna J. : No problem I am glad you came to the conclusion you did. #BLACKLIVESMATTER #ALLLIVESMATTER #DONTSILENCETHEPROBLEM

John W:

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